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Office Communication: Dress Code Policy

Some of the rules and regulations in the office are given and easily understood. A few policies are consistent in all workplaces. Still, some of them need to be repeated and specified. An example of a regulation constant in all workplaces is the dress code policy.

Offices at BPI Philam may require a neat appearance. Well-kept shoes, iron clothes and styled hair are the basics of achieving a respectable look. Though the visual presentation is only one part being a professional, having the right attitude is still essential in masking competency.

As a part of the upper management, you must help your colleagues appear their best and embody the aura of an expert and efficient worker through their daily attire. You can use this sample list as your guide to suiting up.

The list includes five articles of clothing that are not appropriate for the workplace. It will help you have a guideline on what should and must not be seen in the office.

1. Outfits for a night out

You can quickly identify which pieces are exclusively for clubbing and which ones are appropriate at the office. Eye-catching details such as too much glitter, sequins, large gems, neon and metallics that stand out in darkness are examples of clothing that are too much for daily wear. These details are made to attract attention and quickly spot the wearer in the dark areas of the club.

Other outfits for dancing the night away such as tops and bottoms with cutouts, short hems like shorts and micro skirts reveal too much skin. They can make other people in the workplace uncomfortable. Tight fitting clothes that accentuate the body's curves such as bandage dresses and corsets suggests lewdness.

2. Beachwear

You shouldn't wear activity-specific clothing in the office. Beachwear comes with a huge no as the articles of clothing are designated for the water and the sand, none of which exists in a corporate setting. You can apply sunscreen, but you can't wear your swimming trunks while in front of the computer. Remember to remove your hats and sunglasses too once you enter the building.

3. Exercise wear

If beachwear isn't appropriate, then your workout OOTDs also aren't acceptable on the floor. Exercise outfits are too lax. The clothing is specifically for comfort and enhanced performance so expect fitting and stretchy fabrics that cling to the body. These materials aim to support your sweat activities but not your image as an employee. You also don't want the stink of your sweat to linger and repel your colleagues, don't you?

4. Clothes that are too small

You work to earn a living so dispose or donate ill-fitting clothes and purchase a new set. Wearing clothes in the wrong size shows you have no regard for your appearance. Employees carry the company's reputation as they represent the company. Having no regard for your appearance suggests you have no consideration for the progress of your workplace.

5. Garment that contains words and logos besides the company's own

It is a given fact as you should always place your firm first before others. Stash your college shirts, varsity jackets, and clothes that carry your frat's name at the back of your closet. You should also refrain from using volunteer shirts and uniforms from other affiliations. Wear them on casual hangouts and other activities outside the office. When you do this, you show respect to both entities while still being able to represent them properly.

Anyone can use this guide to get started on office dress code. You can customize your wardrobe through these details so you can have the right set of clothing daily. Some workplaces don't impose strict rules on clothing. However, they take note of your initiative to appear in your best daily. Putting a bit of effort will go a long way.


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