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How To Fight the Rut During the Midweek

Sometimes the battle to maintain a positive mindset is difficult.
Demands at work, financial stress from the economy and severed family ties are some of the things that can bring you down. 

When these things come together, it becomes difficult to think especially when there is no one to help you. Thus, you need to help yourself. You can try these three solutions to get up and about until the weekend.

1. Do something that makes feel alive.

It can be a challenge to do this especially if you are in a traditional office setting. Most workplaces embrace the quiet. Meanwhile, subordinates want minimal interaction as much as possible. They won't meddle with you, but that's something that won't fit lively and loud personalities.

If you are in a strict work area in one of Ayala Land Offices' rentals, you must wait until the end of the day to venture to spontaneous activities. You can hit the gym for an intense workout session, or you can go dancing in a club nearby. Make sure you won't get hammered by the end of the night.

If you have the weekend off, you can plan a hiking trip, island hopping or shopping with friends. It will take your mind off the current situation and make you look forward to the rest of the week. If you need a quick fix, you can excuse yourself from work or class and head to the lavatories. Belt a line or two from your favorite song then jump and shake off the tired feeling.

2. Stick to a routine.

Often, being stuck comes from the sudden halt of activities. If you are used to hustling three jobs daily, and you decided to stop, your body will crave the movement. Your mind will start to create space for other activities you didn't have time to do before.

You can bring back the rhythm by creating a routine that will stick with you even if the variables change. You can start with house chores and simple activities such as doing laundry, washing dishes, stocking groceries, and keeping your things in their proper places. Making sure you have clean clothes to wear and get the right nourishment from the food you consume keeps your mind occupied with your state of being.

You can start with two things until you get used to it. You can add an item each month. This way, you won't be profoundly affected by sudden changes in your life as these activities will keep your grounded.

3. Make use of your hands.

The tendency to feel paralyzed or lose a sense of direction comes from the inability to take control of the situation. When it seems like the solution to the problem is out of reach, your mind starts to get frustrated and lose its focus. The body also gets misled when the brain goes haywire.

To retain a sense of calm, you need to feel you are in control. One way to direct your mind is by keeping your hands busy. Using your hands to produce something out of nothing sends a signal to your brain that anything is possible. You can tinker on some start, try pottery, sew clothes, or play an instrument.

Writing a poem, a narrative or a short story is a great exercise to engage your mind. The imagery from the words helps stimulate your brain to conjure images from memory. Besides writing, doodling is another effective cure. It's particularly helpful to cope with boredom. At the same time, the drawing exercises will help you come up with various solutions towards an existing problem.

As much as possible, don't stay stagnant. Enjoy each moment and try not to look forward to the end of the day. If you do, you will just do the same thing over and over until it becomes a cycle of negative habits. Feed yourself with actions that helps you progress towards the life you want to lead.


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