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A 5-Step Office Organization Philosophy To Increase Profit

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Photo by Verne Ho on Unsplash

Though profit isn't a guarantee in any enterprise, a company aiming for productivity and efficiency will surely win. A well-organized office space produces a safe, efficient, and productive workflow. A safe working environment promotes safety hazard and healthy working conditions minimizing the risk of being on taking jobs at Cloverleaf offices. Meanwhile, an efficient and productive workflow reduces production or manufacturing costs. It helps companies maximize their profit and increase worker satisfaction.

The 5S philosophy promises to deliver these benefits. It encourages firms to organize for efficiency and undertake lean production process visually. When the goal of the company is to trim cut down the unnecessary steps in production, it can conduct the just-in-time manufacturing. Before a firm can adhere to just-in-time manufacturing, it must first establish an environment focused on improvement. All of it boils down to the concept of 5S.

To increase the profit of the firm, it must reshape company culture based on the steps of 5S.


The first step in the 5S Philosophy is seiri or 'sort.' Sorting removes unnecessary clutter from the working area. It's a must to look into every storage unit and holding cell to identify which items are essential for daily activities. You can classify the objects by their frequency of use. Placing colored tag or putting the stuff in bins. There must be labels on the containers to retain order. Placing stickers also prevent your things from mixing. Sorting your inventory shows you which items go to the trash.


The next step is seiton or 'straighten.' You must organize the remaining items from your pile. It is also crucial to set other things in order. It may be beneficial for your organization to shift seating or room assignments as well as cubicle division. Moving people gives way for simplification of work process and cuts the hassle and unnecessary steps when working. Seiton is the configuration of the floor plan layout to place tool and supplies at arm's reach.


Seiso is everyday deep cleaning. You must sweep the floor, shine the surfaces and tools, scrub, and clean the working area after using it. You must also check its quality before and after attending a task to maintain its tidiness. You must uphold the standard of cleaning to retain its pristine state and keep irrelevant stuff out of the way. Use cleaning agents and appropriate tools for cleaning. Inspect equipment and tools to identify which needs repair or replacement.


Setting a standard ensures the success of the 3S. The rules and guideline maintain the efficiency of the 5S philosophy. Seiketsu is about stability and conformity. Applying visual management tools such as tagging, labeling, and use of signboards supports the company's rules and policies based on its vision and mission. Training employees to before implementation set a base standard to follow. Making it part of new employees' orientation makes it part of company culture.


Shitsuke or 'sustain' complete the philosophy of 5S. The steps sorting, setting in order, cleaning, and following the standard must become a habit to develop a disciplined office environment. Keep talking about the benefits of 5S in the workplace. Encourage each one to participate during your scheduled housekeeping. Set up a committee who will check and uphold your company's standards and goals. Keep communication lines open for feedback and ideas to improve the process.

The 5S philosophy is easy to follow. It applies to several industries and various working environment. It's crucial to involve everyone in the process for it to work and become part of your company's culture.

How the 5S Philosophy Increases Profit

blue chair, blue couch, office space, clean, windows

Photo by Breather on Unsplash

When you optimize all working areas, you create an environment for a just in time manufacturing. The concept promotes a lean assembly by minimizing variable inputs. It cuts operating costs and waste as a result of the controlled and organized environment. Companies hold few stocks of inventory to satisfy immediate production and distribution. It results in efficient, high-quality work and disciplined workers. They can concentrate on their task through established systematic approach.

It's necessary to apply 5S philosophy to physical and digital workspaces. Currently, these are the foundations of companies and firms. Staff members rely on data to accomplish their job so computer tools must be up-to-date. The design industry also benefits from the 5S Philosophy. Simple icons and concise identity directly convey the company's mission. It also helps in seamless user navigation.


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