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A Dose of Workplace Anger is Healthy

Anger can stem from tiny annoyance to a full-fledged rage. 
It's normal for anyone to feel a tinge of irritation while in the office. Workplace anger isn't harmful to the organization. However, it causes severe health implications. It raises blood pressure and increases the heart rate. It also affects the levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline. Being unable to express your anger can result in chronic anxiety, depression, hypertension and heart diseases.

Photo taken by Andre Hunter

Letting out angry feelings in an assertive manner is a healthy way to release the emotion. Being assertive doesn't translate to being pushy or demanding. It's respecting yourself and others while knowing and communicating your needs. It also part of performing the necessary steps to achieve those needs to deal with the rage.

Coping with anger is different for each person. Some people suppress the feeling while others convert or redirect it to everything around them.


Containing the emotion inside of you is part of suppressing it. The person will stop thinking about it and focus on something positive. The goal is to convert the feeling into constructive behavior. Unfortunately, there is danger in this type of response. The person will eventually turn the anger to the self when out of control.

Unexpressed Anger

Leaving the anger to stay in your system leads problems. It can result in passive-aggressiveness, or develop a cynical and hostile personality. People who don't switch on their faucet to flow or their walls to crack will get back at people indirectly, avoid confrontation, put others down, and make cynical comments. These people often don't have successful relationships.

Calming Down

Controlling your inner balance and finding the peace within you is the best way to manage internal and outward responses. It makes you aware of what goes on your system while managing your reaction towards the stimuli.

It helps to remember that each person has complete control of their emotions. Therefore, they can watch out for an incoming rage while on their office desk. To avoid being carried away by the strong emotions, take note of these three ways to control anger constructively.

1. Think of the emotion. 

Determine if it makes sense in the situation. Do you have to concern yourself with the salary raise of a colleague who worked on a big project alone? Is right to burst your anger to the HR Manager because of the rejected vacation leave you intend to use to repair your rocky relationship?

2. Manage your physical response.

Engage in constructive activities. Moreover, focus your energy on becoming healthy. Overall wellness helps you respond appropriately in various situations.

3. Let go of uncontrollable anger. 

Use this question to think it through - "Can I resolve the matter that's causing the anger?" If you cannot, let it go.

4. Picture the result of your outburst. 

Was it worth to get worked up on a paper jam or minor typo? You can always ask for a reprint or second copy. Ask for assistance if you have no idea how to operate the printer. Do you look forward to seeing the result of your outburst because of something petty?

When none of these things work, someone will get hurt. It may be the people around you, or it can be yourself. Anger is a poison. The more you hold onto it, the more it damages your system and your being.

If you still can't get over it, step out of the office. Look for greenery or a refreshing spot near your serviced office Makati. Take deep breaths while repeating a calming word in your head. Slowly count to ten and release your muscles. Take it easy. You got this. You are greater than your frustration.


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