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5 One-Liners That Make Someone’s Day

Each day is a new day. 
It allows each one to start anew, reset and forget yesterday's mistakes. At times it gets difficult to get past the obstacles of life. You get stuck in a rut and forget about the sunlight, clear skies and fresh air.

It's time to make your home and office a better place. Try saying these one-liners for a week.

1. "Here's a high five!"

For those living under a rock, a high five is a hand gesture between two people. They simultaneously raise their hand to head level and push or slap the side of their palm towards the other person's palm surface. The action is often accompanied by words such as "give me five," "up high" or plain "high five."

Giving a high five or asking for one increases camaraderie between people. It encourages bonds and strengthens a person's spirit. At the same time, the human contact helps sustain intimate relationships.

2. "You can do it!"

It's best to believe in the words before saying it out loud to make the magic happen. Instilling belief in someone, including yourself, and telling them you can do it is a powerful motivator and confidence booster. It is also effective in igniting other people's hope.

It's best to say this line with a smile and a positive outlook. Your uplifting mindset will help encourage the person who needs the boost. The mentality also adds power to the words which can turn things around.

3. "You’re awesome."

Awesome is often associated with activities and things but seldom on people. You can change this by showing your admiration towards those who made an impact in your life.

To begin the practice, you can give it as a sincere compliment to someone who inspired you to commit to change during the day. It may be people who helped you at work, on your way to school or someone who helped you find your way to Arca South. It may also be a family member whom you haven't spoken to in a while. Whoever it may be and whatever the situation, everyone deserves a compliment for doing their best for them and others each day.

4. "Everything will be okay."

Some days, it seems like the world is closing in or it feels like crumbling down. Nothing feels right, and everyone seems to be against you. It feels as if you have all the problems in the world and there's no solution for it.

Those are examples of negative thoughts that can bring you further down the drain. On days you have those feelings, or you know someone is going through the same thing, believe that everything will be okay. Say it loud. Shout it if you must (in a remote area, of course). Keep repeating it to yourself and wait for the magic to unfold.

5. "Life is tough but so are you."

Everyone needs to hear this line every single day. Each day is a struggle and a fight for survival. There are people against you, and sometimes even yourself is against you, but you need to persevere. The surefire way to survive is to fight through the negativity. Allow the beauty and goodness of life to remain in light.

These lines can also serve as compliments. They are used in daily conversations and on the television, so they are hard to miss. Make a habit of saying them each day. If it's too much, start with a sentence each week. You never know how life will unfold afterward. Most of all, you get to change someone's day and turn their frowns into smiles.


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