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Five Expenses You Do Not Foresee When Moving In

“Now, one thing I tell everyone is to learn about real estate. Repeat after me: Real estate provides the highest returns, the greatest values, and the least risk.”-Armstrong Williams 

Moving into your first flat is extremely exhilarating—the level of independence and accomplishment you feel is nothing short of extraordinary. By this time, you might have already paid in full or likely settled a down payment to move in, and you would not have to worry about more expenses till the utility bills come. Unfortunately, we can only wish this were true. The truth of the matter is: there are a lot of surprise expenses in store for you on moving day, so it is better to be forewarned.

In an ideal scenario, everyone would be afforded anywhere from five to seven days to prepare and just focus on moving in. In this way, you would not be caught off-guard and unprepared. However, this would likely be an impractical scenario seeing as a majority of individuals would not have that kind of time. So, if you are preparing to move into your new flat—may that be in Avida Towers Centera or elsewhere, here are some expenses you can likely expect when you move in.

1.)    Ability or lack thereof to get packages 

Depending on where you live, packages left on your front door can potentially be snatched and stolen just within minutes if you were not at home. This is an especially rampant occurrence if you live on a busy street. However, this does not have to become a habitual occurrence, all you would need to do to address this problem is either of two things. Your first option would be to stop ordering from online retailers and settle for buying things from physical shops instead. However, as that is an unlikely compromise to make, get a PO box address instead (which would cost you) or schedule your packages so that you can be there to receive them shall they arrive. Choose the best tack that works for you.

2.)    Start up/ Transfer Fees 

Moving into a new place means that you are likely going to be paying a fee. This fee would most likely include all of your utilities that cover the cost of setting your new account. Similarly, if you are moving from another play, the fee would cover the cost of transfer of your account to a new location.

3.)    Cleaning and household supply cost

While your flat is not likely to be filled with grime when you first move in, you cannot reasonably expect it to be pristine either. So, you can expect your first round of cleaning and household supplies to set you back by a couple of thousands or more. Furthermore, if you want your flat to be professionally cleaned, you can expect this amount to be a lot higher. You will be pleased to know however, that after this initial thorough cleaning, you would most likely not need to purchase the very same items for at least six months or so. But they are required on the get-go to ensure you make a sanitary move-in.

4.)    WiFi Connection 

Unless the building already comes with an internet connection, you are going to likely need your very own. Even then, you would still need to have your own standalone connection as relying on the building’s connection will only leave you with frustration (you are sharing the same connection with your neighbors as well). So, if you need to be perpetually connected online or are at least a frequent user of the internet, expect to spend the installation of a router in your flat.

5.)    Treats for yourself 

Moving into a new flat can be potentially exhausting—what with all the effort required in moving your things from one place to another. Considering this, it would be a bit of challenge to refuse a treat or two. Little gifts for yourself, albeit unnecessary, are inevitable. After a grueling day of moving, you would most likely want to dine out so as not to deal with dishes and cooking. Furthermore, you might even want to schedule a day in the spa—these are not all necessarily bad, just ensure you budget them accordingly.

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