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Tips on How to Reduce Noise Level in Your Condo

Living in a condominium has a lot of benefits. From 24/7 security to accessibility and affordability; listing down all the benefits of the owners can be limitless.

However, just like any other space, living in a condominium can have its drawback when it comes to noise level - may it be coming from inside your own or a neighbor's. There is however a trick on how to deal with the noise level to be very minimal - and this does not mean you have to sacrifice the quality of your living just because you cannot create that much noise.

If you live in a condo, for sure you have heard horror stories of an owner reporting a neighbor because of a barking dog, blaring stereo or TV and to a point even marital arguments from couples. But with a little bit of awareness, you sure can avoid getting a surprise knock from Building Management.
  • If you are a future dog owner, make sure his line of breed does not belong to the noisy or loud barking dogs. To site some are: German shepherd, Terrier, Pinscher, Beagle, etc. Dog barks if out of control can be irritating to your neighbors.
  • Area rugs and other form of carpets are good items to place in your condominium. Carpets absorb noise that bounces on your floor; may it be made of wood or tiles. If your apartment is carpeted, you are in a better situation.
  • Hang thick curtains. Just like the carpet, curtains absorb the noise deflected on your walls.
  • Believe it or not, your wall painting and other decorative items placed on your wall also redirect the noise wave to a reduced noise level. Instead of directly bouncing to you walls, the painting serves a diffuser of the noise level.
  • Be responsible. Keep your TV and stereo level to a minimum. Not only during late hours but during the entire day. 
  • Put rubber cushions to your chairs and table legs. This will protect your flooring from scratches and at the same time reduce the noise when being moved.
  • Phone ringer in medium settings. Although a very few who owns one nowadays, make sure you lower down the volume of your phones. Place it in a setting just enough for you to hear the ring.
Living in a condominium does not mean you have to live a muted life. All you need is some awareness to make sure you are not becoming a nuisance neighbor. These strategies on how to control the noise level should equip you to have a better life inside your condominium.

By: Eric Capacia


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