Anger can stem from tiny annoyance to a full-fledged rage. It's normal for anyone to feel a tinge of irritation while in the office. Workplace anger isn't harmful to the organization. However, it causes severe health implications. It raises blood pressure and increases the heart rate. It also affects the levels of adrenaline and noradrenaline. Being unable to express your anger can result in chronic anxiety, depression, hypertension and heart diseases. Photo taken by Andre Hunter Letting out angry feelings in an assertive manner is a healthy way to release the emotion. Being assertive doesn't translate to being pushy or demanding. It's respecting yourself and others while knowing and communicating your needs. It also part of performing the necessary steps to achieve those needs to deal with the rage. Coping with anger is different for each person. Some people suppress the feeling while others convert or redirect it to everything around them. Suppression Cont...
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