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6 Habits for A Better Monday

Monday is the beginning of a long work week.
Five days to be exact. The traffic is heavy, and everyone is on their way to work. It is also the day when new opportunities come whether it's a big project, a leadership initiative or an unexpected proposal. Being stuck in the workplace, even if it's a virtual office - Makati or Manila can bring you in a foul mood. 

To jumpstart the work week, here are some habits to adapt so you can make the most of the dreaded day:

1. Get up half an hour before the people at home do.

clock, alarm clock, watch, time
Upon waking, the mind is still fresh from sleep. A moment of downtime before engaging in the activities of the day allows you to get attuned to your subconscious thoughts. You can easily recall and contemplate on your thoughts the night before.

Having a few minutes of alone time also makes you efficient throughout the day. The quiet time allows you to organize your activities for the day and formulate realistic plans without distraction.

2. Wear sneakers.

sneakers, converse, shoes, running, footwear, jogging, fitness

If you are trying to get into shape or want to cultivate the habit of working out, you need to wear your sneakers as soon as you open your eyes. Wearing running shoes sets your body and mind to work. The stimuli prep the mind to spring into action. Thus, you are more likely to head to the front door than to the bed.

Moreover, putting shoes on makes you likely to stick to the commitment of running or doing the workout.

3. Use a journal.

note taking, notes, journal

If you don’t have one, buy one asap. Writing goals and tasks have a powerful effect. Putting them on paper will help you prioritize what’s important. The act of writing also helps you focus on the important aspects of your goals and plans. It helps you formulate concrete plans that will bring it to fruition.

Using a journal will also help you reflect and foster self-awareness.

4. Connect with friends and loved ones.

call, sms, chat, family, communication

A study on Social Relationship and Mortality Rate published on 2010 equates the state of loneliness is similar to consuming fifteen cigarettes a day. Loneliness can impact mental health the same way alcohol and drugs can affect the physical well-being

It pays to check with distant family members and friends to minimize the impact of loneliness. Hence, having deep connections and daily correspondence with other people will extend yours and other people’s lifeline. Having people check on you every Monday morning is also a great way to start the week.

5. Use the power of ‘I don’t.’

refuse, refusal, no
The next time an irksome favor or invitation comes your way, state your refusal with “I don’t” instead of “I can’t.” “Don’t” has more impact and puts you in control of the situation. It buffers your willpower and serves as a self-affirmation. It is also a powerful way to refuse without being negative of the situation. The rejection becomes an affirmation of how you live your life instead.

6. Declutter your smartphone.

smartphone, phone, sms, pictures, files, media files
Almost everyone in the world lives with a smartphone. People rely on the device to store important dates, passcodes, photos and official documents. However, these files can pile up and take the space you might need for other purposes.

Take time to check your phone to remove old messages, unused apps, past schedules and useless photos to make way for the additional volume of files of the new week.

It's easy to take note of the six habits because of the short time they consume. Waking up earlier than usual can provide the additional time you need to accomplish other things. You can include friends and loved ones on the habit by sharing your experience upon checking on them. Thus, every gets to start the week with a smile.


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