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7 Simple Last Minute Holiday Decorations

Every one of us loves to have holiday decorations at home, right? Whether you are living in a house and lot in Cavite, condo in BGC or any other real estate property, you can still decorate the way you wanted your home to look like. However, thinking about what to decorate for a holiday season may not be easy for some people, especially when they don't have the time to think and decorate at all.

Planning on what you should include on the decorations can sometimes be daunting and frustrating. Of course, you don't want your house to look weird, right? Well, if you are one of those people who would like to catch up through a last minute holiday decoration, then below are some simple strategies you might want to try.

1. Posts of Christmas Past

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Going back to the past may not be a bad idea after all. In fact, it is one of the many ways you can bring good memories and experiences where fun and excitement are always around. Well, you can have and decorate it through a long, slim stick suspended between two vases. You can also put them in chronological order. Moreover, you can add some glitters and other ornaments that you want to include the pictures. With that, it will not be boring to look at.

2. Lend a hand

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One of the many ways you can do some improvising is through hanging off a hand pot, instead of the typical socks. Well, you can hang it below your bookshelves and other places where you think it fits perfectly with the design.

3. A pine candle

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Candles are one of the things that add beauty to the holiday feels. Instead of a typical white candlestick, you can change it into an Adirondack-style log cabin, pinecone candles. With that, it will give you a touch of the forest to any décor. Of course, you can also buy it at a lower price.

4. Bundles of joy

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A Christmas tree would be boring if there are not bundles of joy included in it. Of course, aside from the gift boxes found the tree, hanging something unique is one of the things you can do to surprise your guests. Well, you can hang something like a bunch of fragrant cinnamon sticks and anything that you want to hang on the Christmas tree as part of the decoration.

5. Star power

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If you are one of those people who are creative enough considering the given time, you can make a homemade ornament such making a star. Well, you can start by gathering small sticks from the backyard and trim the ends with sharp scissors. Of course, you can now arrange them into a star shape and tie together with jute or twine.

6. Sweet sensation

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Aside from the things you want to decorate, you can also make some decorations through the food that you make. If you are planning to make some sweets, then you can add some colorful mini marshmallows, and then stuff old-fashioned stick candies inside. With that, children and even adults would be tempted to get and taste it.

7. Step it up

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When it comes to holiday decorations, forgetting to decorate your staircases is a no-no. Of course, doing such will add beauty and attracts people to come inside your home. Moreover, including eye-catching ornaments can be a plus factor the design of your staircase. Well, it is easy to do by having threads and have them with different lengths of thin ribbon or string, and then tie them to a long, wide grosgrain ribbon along the way.


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