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Why Renting Solo is Best for You These Days

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If you think renting alone would be your nightmare, and then you better think again. Yes, living with roommates is exciting and fun, but there will always be times that they are going to be one of your headaches. And yes, you are renting and living alone, but it doesn't mean that it is going to be a hellish living. When you think about the daily expenses that you make plus the bills that you will have, you don't want to add your roommates to your headaches. Right?

We can blame renters who want to have a roommate since they love to have one. But for those people who are planning on living their life alone, then you don't need to worry too much. You will eventually realize that living alone is not as bad as you think it is, especially these days. If you are still not convinced, then below are some reasons why renting solo is best for you.

You have total control over you bills

If you are a kind of person who had no guts in telling your roommate to save electricity, then you better be thankful not having them in the first place. Of course, you definitely can save a lot of money by controlling the use of your electricity. It is your choice on whether you are going to save for your bills or not. It will be all up to you.

Nobody will reprimand you for doing stupid things

There are times that we want to do stupid and crazy things. Well, the perks of living alone? Nobody will reprimand you for having loud music, for not cleaning your room, for not doing your laundry, for not washing the dishes, for taking a bath for an hour, watching a movie for the whole day, or even being naked –nobody will.

You can style your home whatever you want

They say, live your style.  You can now do and have whatever style you want for you home. Nobody will have some harsh critiques on your style. Of course, it is your home, and they don't have any rights to demand on what kind of style you should have for your house. Unless you are going to invite your parents to your house, then you better be prepared with their critics. Moreover, nobody will reprimand you of changing the style of your house every month.  It's all up to your style.

You can focus on being productive and creative

There are just times that we want to have a moment of silence for us to focus on the things that we want to do. The more we put our attention on a particular matter, the more productive we are. And sometimes, it is impossible to achieve those things when we have our roommate.

You won't be tempted to buy unnecessary things

Have you ever notice that whenever you have someone with you, you tend to buy food? Of course, it is not boring when you have someone to eat with you.  Drinks and junk food? You don't have to worry about it anymore since you will not be tempted to buy unnecessary stuff.

Making the leap

You can attain all these advantages mentioned above if you are just discipline on the things that you should and should not do. If you are a kind of person who tends to have no care about the things or even situations that need to change, then you will leave a healthy and satisfying lifestyle. Again, living or renting alone is not as bad as you think it is. Moreover, you will eventually get used to living alone. So, you don't have to worry too much about living on your own.


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