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6 Simple Hacks You can Do to Extend the Life of Your Air Conditioner
Since most families are already using air conditioner, it has now become one of the necessities at home. Agree? There are just times that using electric fan is still not enough to make ourselves cooled down, especially when the weather is not cooperating with us. That is why, we use the AC. With that, we feel highly comfortable which makes us able to work with greater vigor. Yes, we might enjoy the cool air the AC produces; however, do you know the life span of it?

Most centralized air conditioners have a life span of about 15 years. But there are just times that our AC can’t even reach 5 or 6 years, since it is already not functioning well and/or it’s broken. Moreover, the replacement of AC can be expensive, which is why most of us will do anything to extend the life of it. Well, if you are one of those people who are into using air conditioners, then here are some tips for you to make sure that you take good care of your AC.

1. Keep the condenser clear

If your AC unit is not properly working, then perhaps, there must be something wrong with the condenser. The condenser is the part of the air conditioning unit that you can see outside of your house and it actually does the cooling. Moreover, your AC will efficiently work by keeping shrubs trim back and brush; grass clipping and other debris should be cleared away.

2. Help your air conditioner stay cool

If you notice that the heat of the sun is directly aimed at your AC unit, then you have to find a way to keep it away from the direct heat of the sunlight. If you don’t, then there will be possibilities that the unit that you have will not be functioning anymore. By planting shrubs or small trees and/or any other things just to block the heat can make the cooling work. You just have to make sure that the plants that you have is not that close to the unit for as not to create another problem.

3. Clean the air conditioner on a regular basis

One of the reasons why your air condition is not giving you cool air is that your AC unit is already dusty and dirty. Well, in order for you to maintain its coolness, you have to make sure that there will be a regular cleaning. You have to make sure that there will be no dust and dirt that is thick enough, for you to make your AC unit work efficiently.

4. Install a programmable thermostat

Having a thermostat can really help your AC work efficiently. Since the thermostat will also cool the heat inside your home, it is easier for your air condition to distribute the cool air all around your house. Also, this is one way to lessen the amount of work it has to do.

5. Check the ducts for loose seams and gaps

If you notice that there are already loose seams and gaps from the unit, you have to make sure to tape all the joints where the ducts attach to each other and wrap ducts with insulation. With that, it will prevent the loss of cool air before circulating it to your home.

6. Use alternative methods to help keep you and your home cool

You have to remember that not all things will last long if you are using it abusively. That is why; it is also your responsibility to find some other means to keep you and your home cool. If you do, then you are extending the life of your AC unit.


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